Penang Hill Hike (14/01/06)
We colleagues started this all because of the Libur XPDC email forwarded by Kumar. Initially very lao juak with all the cakap & kecoh but ended up only 4 persons made it for this hike. :)
This is our first time hiking up penang hill for three of us (Ying,Tan and I), led by Kumar. Before this I personally have only been to No.5.
Foot of the hill to No.5 : No comment.
No.5 to No.84 : Enjoyable part!
No.84 to No.168 : Killing~~~ tar road! Boring! From the 2.5 m to 5.0 m distance, some parts were so steep that we could not stop cursing and cursing. :) Was that something wrong with the meter plate?! 3.7 -> 4.0 -> 4.3 -> 4.8 -> 4.9 . We hiked for so long and the meter only seemed to increase by this tiny little bit?! yao mou kao chor ah?! This part was so damn strenuous that we got hungry halfway and got to stop by the roadside for refreshment.
Reaching No.3 and No.5
Reaching No.84
Road Signs to No.84
Reaching No.168
Road Signs to No.168
Flowers & Plants
Reaching Top of the hill
We came down by cable car. Hehe! :) Some dozed off during the ride. nice huh! Envy loh!
I always have difficulty in getting to sleep after a long strenuous sport. I discovered it last time when I first started mountainbiking. Everytime after coming back from 2 to 3 hours of riding, I was tired of course but yet staying 'awake' for the rest of the day till night sleeping time.
(This post is originally linked from here)